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A Google map of original harpsichords and. Clavichords in museums and collections. Tony Chinnery builds and restores harpsichords and other keyboard instruments. The site contains descriptions of some of the instruments I have built and restored, harpsichords, spinets, chamber organ, with photos and sound examples as well as information on the Cristofori piano built by Kerstin Schwarz, and a harpsichord buyers guide. Tony Chinnery construit et reconstitue des clavec.
Bienvenue à Tony Chinnery Facteur de Clavecins. Guide pour acheter un clavecin. Tony Chinnery construit des clavecins et autres instruments à clavier depuis 25 ans.
A map of original instruments. Tony Chinnery builds and restores harpsichords and other keyboard instruments. The site contains descriptions of some of the instruments he has built and restored, harpsichords, spinets, chamber organ, with photos and sound examples as well as information on the Cristofori piano built by Kerstin Schwarz, a harpsichord buyers guide and a guide showing where to find original instruments.
Benvenuti nel sito Tony Chinnery Clavicembali. Una mappa di strumenti originali.
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